Thank God for leap year as I don't think I could gotten this post in on time were it not for the extra day in February. Here are some of the best pictures which haven't made it yet to these pages, all taken this month. Unless otherwise noted, they were all made in Chicago:
Michigan and Jackson, February 5 |
Old fashioned street photography on Michigan Avenue made while testing out another new lens.
Santa Fe Building, February 5 |
Same test, this one indoors of the fabulous Chicago Architectural Foundation 3D map of central Chicago in the equally impressive lobby of the Santa Fe Building.
St. Adalbert Church, February 16 |
I went down to Pilsen after I heard the Archdiocese was planning to close the historic and beautiful St. Adalbert Church. This picture which I didn't use for my post, is one example of how the church dominates the neighborhood it inhabits.
Adams Street, February 18 |
Tired and uninspired, yet still needing to take my picture of the day, I have to credit this serendipitous shot to the photo gods.
South Clark Street, February 19 |
The following day with my picture of the day already in the bag, I hopped off the bus early when I saw the late day, golden hour light hitting Harry Weese's Federal Prison, otherwise known as the Metropolitan Correction Center in the South Loop. Then...
La Salle and Van Buren elevated stop, February 19 |
...I followed the light down Clark Street and climbed up to a station I rarely use to make a photograph from the platform looking east. I posted that shot to my Instagram account. This one looking west was just as good. Thanks again to the photo gods.
Maple Avenue, Evanston, IL, February 21 |
This one on the other hand I sought out entirely on my own, driving up to one of the top floors of a parking garage to get some images of the Downtown Evanston skyline.
Devon Avenue, February 26 |
Perhaps the most fascinating street in Chicago is Devon Avenue in Rogers Park and West Ridge. I took this picture of the gentleman after I dropped my daughter off at school.
Western Avenue Overpass, February 27 |
A pilgrimage with the kids to see and drive up for one last time the Western Avenue Overpass at Belmont that is about to be demolished, which will reveal this house in its entirety to the west side of the street for the first time in 55 years.
Richard Clark Park, February 27 |
We also paid homage at the site of the late-great Riverview. The kids weren't too impressed by the police station, strip mall or school campus that currently occupy the site. But they did have a blast at the dare-devil bike trail that now sits on the old site of the Chute-the Chutes. More pictures from that visit to come.
1 comment:
As much as ever, perhaps even more, I am absolutely gobsmocked (I think that's a southern term, the meaning of which is obvious I hope) by your photography.
As I look at these pictures, I can't help but wonder about the stories behind the subjects. The young lady at Michigan and Jackson and the gentleman on Devon Avenue I find particularly intriguing. Perhaps their stories are very mundane but, then again, perhaps not.
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